Welcome to the Daily Reader’s Bible!
Through the Bible’s inspired words, God will reach into your life and help you discover his special calling.
As you approach the daily readings, do so expecting that God has something to say. Humbly ask him to reveal his Word and will to you. And as he speaks to you, write down what he shows you about himself, about you, and about what he would like you to do or say. Then follow through on the insights he gives you. Open these pages on a daily basis, allowing God to speak to you with the guidance of his Holy Spirit.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” ―2 Timothy 3:16-17
The 365 readings in the Daily Reader’s Bible have 3 parts:
- The Story Section: The Scripture passages in the story section are drawn from the narrative portions of the Bible. This includes the Old Testament books of Genesis through Esther and the New Testament books of Matthew through Acts.
- The Teaching Section The Scripture passages in the teaching section come from the prophetic books of the Old Testament (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel through Malachi) and the letters of the New Testament (Romans through Revelation).
- The Wisdom Section The Scripture passages in the wisdom section are taken from the Old Testament books traditionally regarded as wisdom literature or books of poetry. These include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations.
Helpful indexes included:
- Daily Reading Plan Index lists the 365 daily readings with the references of their three associated Scripture portions.
- Index of Bible Passages lists all the Bible readings in their normal canonical order from Genesis to Revelation, allowing you to quickly locate any Scripture passage or Bible book you have in mind.
- Topical Index helps you locate readings that speak to your personal concerns, like anger, comfort, confession, or courage.
From the back cover:
Grow closer to God with the Daily Reader’s Bible.
See the beautiful thematic connections of God’s story throughout the Bible. For the first time, you can discover these links as part of your daily devotional and Bible reading.
- EASY: The entire text of the Bible is uniquely arranged for daily reading that can be completed in as little as 15 minutes per day. Each daily reading is numbered, so you can start anytime.
- FRESH: Whether this is the first time you’ve read through the entire Bible or you’ve read it many times, the Daily Reader’s Bible will help you recognize the connections between the Story, Teaching, and Wisdom portions of Scripture.
- CLEAR: The NLT is the trusted Bible translation that you can most comfortably read, understand, and actively apply to your life.
Invite God to change your life as you encounter him in a fresh, new way in the pages of the Daily Reader’s Bible